Thursday, May 31


Assalamuaikum and hello again!

being single for 20 right...hehehe..

in 2005, i have met my besties that are Sofiana Abdul Aziz and Nur Amalina Mohd Razi. then we had promised not to be in love during the school then..thats why i live single until is not because i am too choosey or, myself also don't know why i am still single...haha...maybe my first love is my future husband, the eternal love, awwwwwhhhh....<3

Ameerah - Sofiana - Amalina - Nadhirah

sorry for the blurry picture...well, cheap camera...hehe

emmmm....i love being single...feel free to go anywhere with anyone i one will care with whatever i'll do...except for my parents, of course...FREEEEEE!!!!!

i have hundreds of love quotes and below are some of it...enjoy!! <3

p/s: done by 2:17 am....i love writing in the early of the morning...thats where i get the idea of my writing...see you in another post!!

Monday, May 28

HANGUL [Korean language] - learning in process!

Assalamualaikum and hello there world!! (Anwar Hadi)

we meet again! i said in my previous posts...i like Korea right? i'll post something about Korea....THE KOREAN LANGUAGE.


Korean alphabet or called HANGUL is the native alphabet of the Korean language. Hangul is a true alphabet of 24 consonant and vowel letters. Hangul letters are grouped into blocks, such as 한 han; each of these blocks transcribes a syllable. That is, although 한 may look like a single character, it is composed of three distinct letters: ㅎ h, ㅏ a, and ㄴ n. Each Hangul block consists of two to five letters, including at least one consonant and one vowel. These blocks are then arranged either horizontally from left to right or vertically from top to bottom.

next, i'll show you the letters...

i have use this table to romanize some korean songs...and i can do that...i think this is the simplest table that i got now...and i can use it and read now... i'll tell you how to write the letters is important to know how to write it correctly...if looks weirdo :P

easy right??...try to follow the arrow...and you will get the shape....practice it many times and you can get it right.....(i am practicing that too...but my handwriting is ugly..hehehe...I'LL TRY MY BEST!!!!)

ok....the next thing is THE LETTER PLACEMENT. it is important to know how to arrange the letters...then you can pronounce it correctly. if get it wrongly! the pronounciation is come from the letter arrangement. 

after that, we learn about the sentence is quite differ from English sentence structure...lets look below...

you can get it??? this is what i had learned so far...hope this can help you all out there to learn Hangul better in future...feel free to ask...or comment...i'll accept if the comment is helpful or criticizing me :) i'll accept it with sincere....

here, i suggest some webs that can help you to learn and to improve...

1 - (this is where the place to learn Hangul like         learning it with a teacher...)

2 - (a web that teach Hangul in simple way :))

3 - (a web that was originally designed to help the students who were taking Korean classes from Dr. Oh.)

4 - (simple games that may help your Korean...we learn from making mistakesssss..)



thank you to all websites that teach me i can read Hangul (although in slow motion :P still i can read :))...thank you very much <3

p/s: done by 4:02 sleepy...[yawning....] but still want to learn from its easy...hope those info above can help you all outside there to learn Hangul...


Saturday, May 26


lately, i had searched for variety of desserts that are beautiful and look delicious ice cream, cup cakes, cookies.....and mmmmmmm looks so delicious...i wonder if those have in real life.....and i want to taste it...i love baking cakes....but when it comes to eat the cakes...i'll only eat certain of tiramisu cake, chocolate cake, ice cream cake and some that i don't know the name..hehe...i love making desserts at cakes, cookies, jelly....yummy!

all looks delicious right....mmmmm i couldn't imagine the taste especially the rainbow cake....actually, what's the taste....hehehe......and i'll update more about delicious desserts then....have a nice day!

p/s: not listening to anything.....HUNGRY! haha XD

Friday, May 25

terberangan PELAMIN...haishhh....

Assalamualaikum and hello again people!

hmmmm....nak cite ni....ade la satu malam tu....tibe2 je boleh berangan...nak kahwin nnti nak pelamin mcm mne....siap da set da...mesti purple ngan putih...cantik kan...esok cari gamba pelamin plak...banyak yang cntik2...rambang mate tgok...tpi mesti mahal2...aku x suka bunga banyak2...simple2 suda...macam gambar2 kat bawah ni...simple and nice...<3

ni pelamin favourite...simple and nice <3 suka kerusi and background die...
ni pon cantik...tapi aku suka kerusi mcam kat atas...lagi cantik kut...hehe...simple and nice too <3

ni pon nice jgak...mcam bintang kat tgah tu..and the sparkles spread it too <3

p/s: tibe2 rase nak kahwin...hehehe...[currently listening to 2PM - I'LL BE BACK and SUPER JUNIOR - SORRY SORRY]
Assalamualaikum and hello all....its my first post <3 yeah!, i just want to share what i went through in my life and what i love...
hope you all interested with what i will post in future and i want to make a lot of friends in different region...i also would like to fly to Korea...i love Korea very much <3

p/s: while post this, i am listening to SUPER JUNIOR - MR. SIMPLE and B1A4 - BABY I'M SORRY :DD